Week One
Fetal Development: Because we are counting with the gestational age method, week one begins with the first day of your menstrual period. Conception hasn't yet occurred, but you already get to start counting. Such a deal - see how time flies when you're having fun!
Maternal Changes: Your period has just started and you may be thinking about conception. For women with a 28 day cycle, ovulation occurs around 14 days after the start of your menstrual cycle. Now is a good time to begin healthy habits (if you haven't yet!). Start your pregnancy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables; exercise; start taking additional folic acid if you haven't already; and stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and using over-the-counter medications. Stay away from toxic materials and rest well. Start "thinking pregnant" before you conceive so you can give your baby the best start possible.
Fetal Development: Because we are counting with the gestational age method, week one begins with the first day of your menstrual period. Conception hasn't yet occurred, but you already get to start counting. Such a deal - see how time flies when you're having fun!
Maternal Changes: Your period has just started and you may be thinking about conception. For women with a 28 day cycle, ovulation occurs around 14 days after the start of your menstrual cycle. Now is a good time to begin healthy habits (if you haven't yet!). Start your pregnancy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables; exercise; start taking additional folic acid if you haven't already; and stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and using over-the-counter medications. Stay away from toxic materials and rest well. Start "thinking pregnant" before you conceive so you can give your baby the best start possible.
Read these important articles on conception:
Increasing Odds For A Healthy Pregnancy
A Woman's Reproductive System
A Man's Reproductive System
Are You Ready to Have a Baby? The Emotional, Physical and Financial Things to Consider
Fertility Signs Primer
Fertility Awareness
The ABCs of Basal Body Temperature Charting
For help in determining the best days to determine ovulation based on the length of your cycle, visit our Pregnancy Planner/Ovulation Calculator. It will give you details regarding fertile days and ovulation for three months based on the first day of your last menstrual period and length of your cycle.
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